16 January 2024

First Focus Goes Climate Positive

First Focus Goes Climate Positive

First Focus has joined a growing list of organisations going climate positive – aiming to do more than just hit carbon neutrality and instead work towards reversing the impact of human activities on the volume of greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere.

Our team decided to partner with Carbon Neutral® – one of Australia’s leading reforestation and carbon project developers actively working to mitigate carbon emissions while also addressing the loss of biodiversity in Australia.

Rather than just offsetting the carbon emitted through our business activities, First Focus chose to pursue a carbon-negative outcome, where the results of carbon-sequestering activities carried out on our behalf exceed the amount of CO2 we produce.

See our latest offset certification verified by Sustainable Choice.

Carbon Neutral is a driving force behind carbon-sequestering solutions, having developed detailed guidelines to get the best possible results. These guidelines include specifications on the type of land used, requirements for land management, annual rainfall, and arability levels. The company has over 20 years of experience creating innovative large-scale reforestation projects, focusing on previously cleared land to help restore landscapes and preserve biodiversity while sequestering significant amounts of atmospheric carbon.

Speaking on the decision to work with Carbon Neutral, First Focus CEO Ross Sardi said: “As a leading MSP in Australia, our purpose is helping people use technology to make a difference. We’ve been successful in this goal over the last few years, and there’s been a huge increase in demand for IT services. While a lot of this demand was due initially to the ongoing impacts of the COVID pandemic, the result is that IT is now creating opportunities for many people to work, communicate, and buy things remotely using technology.”

We have seen how these improvements can have a positive climate impact – with a reduction in commuting and air travel reducing individual carbon footprints – but they can also have adverse effects.

“For example, the increased energy consumption from ever-growing datacentres, e-waste, and the almost disposable nature of consumer devices used to enable many work-from-home initiatives.”

Sardi continued: “We know we can use technology to reduce our impact. There’s a lot we can do with electric company cars, LED lighting, and energy-efficient servers. We can also choose providers in our supply chain who take climate issues seriously.”

“And we want to be that company. We need to ensure that the choice to make a difference in people’s lives using technology is not at the expense of the world around us. So after reducing our impact as much as possible, we now want to offset the rest.”

Being a climate-positive company is also in line with our dedication to responsible environmental management, evidenced by our ISO certifications.

To learn more about how First Focus takes responsibility for our impacts on the environment, as well as ongpoing developments in IT please join our monthly newsletter list.

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